Before you decide to buy a Yoni Ice Cream, you might want to know what other women have experienced with it. And that’s exactly why we interviewed 21 selected female customers. They told us how often and when they use their Yoni Egg and what motivated them to buy it.
How often is the yoni egg used?
Almost half (42%) of the customers surveyed use the yoni egg several times a month. A third of the women even use it several times a week. By the way, it is basically possible to use a Yoni Egg daily. It all depends on what goal you are pursuing.
«Originally, I had obtained the yoni egg to strengthen my pelvic floor. For the first few weeks, I wore the rose quartz egg almost nightly. That time was an incredibly emotional rollercoaster ride for me. Regardless of the egg, I really thought I was about to plunge into a major depressive episode. However, after a conversation with Vivian from Lucid Moons, I realized that the Rose Quartz Egg would help my body resolve certain traumas and that this was the first step towards healing them. It is now essential that I approach the crystals more carefully and give my body plenty of space and time to do so. Clearly the egg has changed my life in the sense that my consciousness and relationship to my body and my yoni has changed immensely. It is wonderful to get to know my body in this way and to be able to observe its sensitivity and yet incredible strength.»
Why did women choose the yoni egg?
Using a yoni egg can have many different reasons and goals. For our survey, we gave our customers five options to choose from. It was not necessary to choose a single answer.
«Due to the stress of everyday life, I often ignored signals from my body in the past. My sexual lust suffered most of all from this. After a lot of research, I decided to buy a Yoni Egg and I have to say it was the best decision. Finally, I get to know my body and feel how good it feels to take care of myself. I have also chosen the Rose Quartz because it is my favorite stone. I am very happy to have come across the Yoni Egg!»
«More self-love and reflection. I feel strengthened»
About half of the women have bought the Yoni Egg to increase body awareness and strengthen femininity. In third place is the strengthening of the pelvic floor.
A fact about this: In fact, as a woman with a yoni egg, you can target your pelvic floor muscles. This is especially useful after pregnancy or to prevent incontinence in old age.
The frequency and intensity of orgasms as well as the increase in libido, passion, and creativity were the number four and five choices and were each confirmed by approximately 30% of the women surveyed.
Here again, the pelvic floor muscles come into play: If they are trained, you can have a more intense orgasm as a woman.
How is the yoni egg used?
You can really use the Yoni Egg in many different ways. Of course, it also depends on your experience or rather your level of practice. The more often you use it, the easier you can integrate it into your everyday life.
«It was the first time I really dealt with my female genitals and my femininity because I had no real connection to it. The Yoni Eggs not only helped me to finally reach the climax, but also strengthened me in my own femininity and body awareness.»
Almost 60% of the women surveyed wear their Yoni egg overnight. Especially for beginners, this can be the preferred option. While lying down, you get used to the egg very easily and its positive power can fully unfold.
«I have a stronger connection to myself and a more relaxed approach to my sexuality»
For direct pelvic floor training or Kegel exercises about 40% of the clients use the Yoni Egg. Here the muscles of the pelvic floor are tensed after the yoni egg is inserted. This prevents the egg from slipping out of the pelvis and strengthens the muscles.
«The perception of my pelvic floor has improved. My sexuality has awakened and intercourse is more satisfying.»
The yoni egg can also be used for direct sex. 23% of the interviewed women use it during direct sex. In fact, the egg is pressed to the G-spot by your partner’s penis during sex, which can lead to an intense orgasm for both of you. «I have better and more frequent orgasms» was one of our client’s voices.
We also asked our customers what other topics they were interested in and received the following answers:
- Properties of the crystals
- More precise healing effects of Yoni Eggs
- Rituals and special exercises
- History and origin of Yoni Eggs
- Care and cleaning
- Are there other types of stone that can be used?
Are you interested in these topics too? We have linked each of them with a special article in our journal. Just click and read.
And if you would like to share your experience with other women anonymously, write us a message at or add a comment below
We are happy about every experience that is shared.