Yoni Yoga is not just another type of pelvic floor training. Yoni Yoga is a wonderful ritual for body and mind that connects you to your femininity and is deeply grounding.
What Is Yoni Yoga?
Yoni Yoga sounds like a completely new kind of yoga. But it is not. Rather, it is a combination of “classical” yoga and the use of a Yoni Egg. If you are already practicing yoga, Yoni Yoga doesn’t require you to learn any new exercises, but additionally wear a Yoni Egg during your yoga practice, and pay even more attention to your pelvic floor. If you are a yoga beginner, you can integrate the Yoni Egg into your yoga practice from the beginning.
Yoga with the Yoni Egg is therefore not linked to a specific yoga style. Whether you practice power yoga or hatha yoga, are just starting out, or have been practicing yoga for years, your Yoni Egg can always be worn during your practice. Yoga with the Yoni Egg gives you the opportunity to train your pelvic floor and focus on your femininity. With a positive intention, you can intensify this focus and make Yoni Yoga a very intimate ritual.
Why Does the Yoni Play an Important Role in Yoga?
The yoni is your female sex organ and is considered a symbol of your femininity. It also includes your pelvic floor, which is closely linked to your breathing. So when you inhale, your lower abdominal muscles and pelvic floor relax, while when you exhale, your pelvic floor muscles and abdominal muscles are activated. Breathing creates a contraction that exercises your pelvic floor. Intensify this routine with the Yoni Egg and certain breathing techniques.
Yoni yoga, then, is yoga for the vagina. No matter what form of yoga you practice, your yoni is always active in it. Strengthening your pelvic floor supports your overall posture, keeps your organs in place, and can enhance the way you feel during sex.
Yoni Yoga Exercises – Asanas and Breathing Techniques
To get you started with Yoni Yoga, we will show you some breathing techniques and yoga asanas. These are ideal exercises for yoga with the Yoni Egg because they train your pelvic floor and strengthen your femininity.

Breathing Techniques With the Yoni Egg
In yoga, there are many different breathing techniques that affect the body and mind quite differently. Some of them are particularly suitable for beginners, others require a bit more practice. Deep abdominal breathing and the Ujjayi breath are two simple but deeply nourishing breathing exercises suitable for everyone.
Deep Abdominal Breathing
Deep abdominal breathing encourages profound relaxation and is very easy to implement for beginners. Together with the Yoni Egg, you become particularly aware of your pelvic floor. Lie relaxed on your back and breathe deeply in and out. Stay relaxed and let the breath flow naturally. To help you, you can bring one or both hands to your belly and send the breath into the palms of your hands. However, make sure that the lower ribs also expand during the inhalation, so you can guarantee a deep, nourishing abdominal breath. Alternatively, you can try this in a seated posture.
This breathing technique helps you control your breath and keeps the heat in your body. It gently energizes you while also calming your mind. You can use Ujjayi while sitting in a cross-legged position or during the various asanas. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth as if you were breathing against a piece of glass. This creates a small constriction in the throat, creating a gently hissing sound like the waves of the ocean. Once you get a feel for this, you can move on to keeping your mouth closed as you exhale. The sound that is created in the throat as you breathe will give you something to focus on. Combine Ujjayi breathing with deep abdominal breathing.
Mula Bandha
Bandhas (energy locks) are used to circulate and direct energy in the body. Mula bandha (pelvic floor or root lock) addresses your root chakra. To find your mula bandha, you can inhale and exhale deeply while lying down or sitting in a cross-legged position and try to activate your pelvic floor muscles. The Yoni Egg will make locating your Mula Bandha a lot easier. A simple training for the pelvic floor consists of activating and releasing Mula Bandha, so lifting and relaxing your pelvic floor muscles. With the inhale you consciously relax your pelvic floor, with the exhale you set your Mula Bandha because the pelvic floor and the abdominal muscles are activated with the exhalation naturally.
Yoni Mudra
Mudras are gestures performed with hands and fingers that direct your energy. The Yoni Mudra is a mudra for your femininity. It directs energy from the outside in, and when you place it in front of your lower abdomen, your feminine power center, you direct energy specifically to that area. In the simplest version, your thumbs and index fingertips touch and form a triangle. Hold this position for about 10 deep breaths. With the Yoni Egg, the energy in your power center intensifies. You can use this mudra during meditation, breathing exercises or asana practice.
Yoga Exercises With the Yoni Egg
You can practice the following yoga exercises with the Yoni Egg individually or one after the other as a yoga unit. Always begin your practice with a short meditation or breathing exercise, and set an intention.
Cat-Cow Pose (Chakravakasana)

Start in a neutral tabletop position on hands and knees. Your wrists are directly under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips. Take a deep breath in and let your pelvis tilt back, your abdomen is pulled down and your head is pointing up as you open your chest. However, keep stability in your lower back. As you exhale, pull your belly up, round your back, and bring your chin to your chest. Exhale to activate the pelvic floor and inhale to release. Repeat the exercise about ten times in rhythm with your breath.
Boat Pose (Navasana)

Sit on your mat with feet up and a straight back. Place your hands behind your knees and relax your shoulders. Lengthen your back without hollowing the lower back. Slowly lift one leg at a time off the floor until your shins are parallel to the floor. You can try to release your hands next to your knees and keep your arms stretched in the air. When you notice your back getting round, alternately put one foot on the floor and work here on your abdominal muscles. Hold the pose for three deep breaths and repeat two to three times.
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhāsana)

Here you lie on your back and bend your legs. Place your feet hip-width apart. The palms rest beside your body and palms point downward. Slowly raise your pelvis until it is in line with your upper body. The ankles should be directly under your knees. In Bridge Pose, your legs and glutes muscles are activated while your abdominal muscles remain relaxed. You can perform the exercise dynamically by raising your buttocks on the inhale and lowering it on the exhale. Alternatively, remain in the position for about ten breaths. Keep awareness on the pelvic floor.
Goddess (Utkata Konasana)

From a standing position, take a large step to the side with both feet slightly turning outward. Bend your knees until they come above your ankles. The spine stays long and active. Take a few breaths here and always make sure your knees are pointing outward. You can also do this exercise dynamically by straightening your legs with the inhale and raising your arms above your head. The exhalation brings you back to the deep goddess pose, where you can mindfully activate and relax your Mula Bandha.
Yogic Squat (Malasana)

While standing, open your feet hip-width apart with your toes pointing outward. Bend your knees and bring your buttocks towards the floor. Now you are in a deep squatting position. Bring your hands into prayer position in front of your heart. With your elbows gently push your inner thighs outward, alternatively rest your elbows on your knees. Your back should remain as straight as possible. Draw your shoulder blades together at the back, relax your pelvic floor and breathe deeply into your lower abdomen. Tip: If your heels are not touching the floor, bring a rolled blanket or towel under your heels. Also, you can sit on a block or pillow to keep your legs from getting tired.
It is especially important to relax and consciously let go of the pelvic floor after the active Yoni Yoga poses. This deep Yogic Squat is particularly suitable for this, as the pelvic floor is automatically relaxed and stretched here. Not for nothing is this also a common position for giving birth!
Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana)

Start laying on your back and draw your knees to your chest as you exhale. Grasp the outer edge of your feet with your hands, keeping your arms on the inside of your legs. Keep your shoulders on the floor. Bring your lower legs up so that your shins are perpendicular to the floor and the soles of your feet are facing the ceiling. Gently push the feet against your hands and gently pull the legs down, closer to your torso. As best you can, keep your whole back on the mat so that your tailbone doesn’t lift off the mat. You can rock from left to right here, relaxing your breath completely.
Deep Relaxation (Shavasana)

At the end of your yoga practice, the final deep relaxation is important to integrate the physical and mental practice fully. Lie on your back with your arms relaxed beside your body. Your legs are hip-width apart and your feet point outward. Stay like this for about 5-10 minutes and completely release all tension in your body. Your breathing is also free and natural. If you tend to feel pain in your lower back, it can be very helpful to put something under your knees or thighs here.
What Are the Benefits of Yoga With a Yoni Egg?
Yoga has many positive effects on your body and mind, which are proven by many studies. Yoga connects body, mind, and soul, provides relaxation, is meditative, and has a long-term positive effect on your nervous system and your physical strength and flexibility. All these benefits you also have when doing yoga with the Yoni Egg. However, with Yoni Yoga, there are a few additional benefits that support your yoga practice.
Setting an Intention
In Yoni Yoga, you can more easily set an intention with the help of a Yoni Egg. The intention is a resolution set by you to achieve a certain state of mind or to strengthen a specific feeling. It appeals primarily to the emotional level. Instead of achieving a goal, an intention helps you to become more aware by coming back to it as you practice. Turn inward and notice what feeling, what state of mind you want to attain or strengthen. Try to express this feeling in a short, clear, and positive phrase and project this strong feeling onto your Yoni and the Yoni Egg. During the practice, you can always bring your attention back to your intention when you notice your mind starts wandering.
The Focus Is on the Pelvic Floor
In Yoni Yoga, the focus is clearly on the pelvic floor. By wearing the Yoni Egg, you feel the pelvic floor clearly with every breath and in every asana. Your pelvic floor muscles are efficiently and yet gently trained, and the Yoni Egg massages the vaginal tissues from the inside at the same time.
Is Yoni Ei Yoga Also Suitable for Beginners?
Yoni Yoga is ideal for beginners. Regardless of whether you are a beginner to yoga, the Yoni Egg or even both. During the yoga exercises, you should not overexert yourself and always listen to your body’s signals. If it hurts, you better stop. The postures presented above are ideal for beginners and do not require previous knowledge.
If you are using a Yoni Egg for the first time, you should choose a larger one, as it is easier to hold it in your vagina. As your pelvic floor gets stronger, you can switch to a smaller egg to increase the intensity of the exercises.
Which Yoni Egg Is Best for Yoni Yoga?
Generally, any Yoni Egg is suitable for Yoni Yoga. However, beginners should choose a larger size. Which stone you choose depends on your personal preference. For example, Nephrite Jade has an activating effect, while Rose Quartz helps you to soften and open more emotionally. If you want to go deeper and work on your subconscious shadows, Obsidian is the right choice. To strengthen your intuition and gain more clarity, which is especially useful in meditation, the Amethyst supports you.
Can I Practice Yoni Yoga During or After Pregnancy?
Yes, Yoni Yoga is also great for during and after pregnancy, however, you should consult your midwife or gynecologist before using a Yoni Egg.
Strengthening the pelvic floor during pregnancy helps prevent pregnancy incontinence and also promotes rapid healing and regeneration of the pelvic floor after childbirth.
IMPORTANT: Do not exercise the straight abdominal muscles during pregnancy, thus skip Boat Pose or practice it with one foot on the floor and with holding the knees. Adapt the asanas to your physical and energetic needs. It is best to consult a yoga teacher for individual alternatives.
After giving birth, you should wait at least 6 weeks before gently beginning your postpartum exercises, or 8-12 weeks if you had a cesarean section. Please discuss the timing that is right for you with your midwife first.
You can, however, begin gentle tightening and relaxing of the pelvic floor, combined with deep breathing, soon after birth. The intention here is not yet to strengthen, but to get to know your Yoni again after pregnancy and birth. You should not integrate the Yoni Egg into your postnatal Yoni Yoga until any birth injuries have fully healed, bleeding has stopped, and you have received approval from your midwife.